Dear Friends,

I have gathered a selection of my poetry from the last twenty-five years into a book called THE SEASONS. (You can preview or order the book here.)

I am grateful to everyone who has read and responded to the poems over the years. I will continue posting my new work here and in twenty-five years (or less) I will have book number two ready for you.



The Map


On these nights
when a map 
of writhen branches
appears along 
the fire banked west

and a giant peach
moon rolls
into the black 
sea above 
our wooden houses

I watch 
my daughter’s
shining eyes
just before 
she disappears

I feel the
dark embers 
of my wife’s
exhausted body
and heart

until finally
with daughter 
fast asleep
we sit wrapped 
in our blankets 
of fatigue

holding hands
and listening to
the northern
winds retaking
the prairie.

They descend 
in their long
black coats
and run through
the empty streets

pushing on
the wavy glass
of immigrant windows
and whispering
wintry prayers
to slake our
burning hearts.


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the poetry of Kevin Lawler

The gift economy . . .
from Wiki - In anthropology and the social sciences, a gift economy is a mode of exchange where valuable goods and services are regularly given without any explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards. Ideally, voluntary and recurring gift exchange circulates and redistributes wealth throughout a community, and serves to build societal ties and obligations.
