Dear Friends,

I have gathered a selection of my poetry from the last twenty-five years into a book called THE SEASONS. (You can preview or order the book here.)

I am grateful to everyone who has read and responded to the poems over the years. I will continue posting my new work here and in twenty-five years (or less) I will have book number two ready for you.



Three Nights and a Morning

                                                     In memory of my mother


She asks the night 
nurse Anna
about her degree
where she went to college
how she likes medicine.
At the end of the shift
she takes her hand
and tells her thank you
tells her how wonderful 
she has been
tells her that she loves her.


Beneath the surf
of oxygen
and the distant 
spring thunder 
in the hushed
night hospital
we hold hands 
and she whispers 
stories while sinking
and sinking.


Gripping the side rails 
of the motorized bed
she’s walking out
across a rope bridge
above an unseen abyss.
Her tiny skeleton
blooms in the bed.
Her head dipping 
into the next world
then fighting 
its way back.


Desperate breath hunger
stretches us all
as the inferno 
rises in the east.

Finally the corpse arrives
artist extraordinaire
with her silent genius
for helping the blind
to see what lasts.

Nurse Anna comes in
to offer condolences
and weeps quietly
for my mother
with whom she shared
such tenderness.

I stay alone 
with my mother’s corpse
for several hours.
The construction workers 
on the roof below
take a break.
The room falls silent.

In the window
the sky is cloud-heavy.
I sit still and watch 
as sunlight and time
move quietly onward.


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the poetry of Kevin Lawler

The gift economy . . .
from Wiki - In anthropology and the social sciences, a gift economy is a mode of exchange where valuable goods and services are regularly given without any explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards. Ideally, voluntary and recurring gift exchange circulates and redistributes wealth throughout a community, and serves to build societal ties and obligations.
