Dear Friends,

I have gathered a selection of my poetry from the last twenty-five years into a book called THE SEASONS. (You can preview or order the book here.)

I am grateful to everyone who has read and responded to the poems over the years. I will continue posting my new work here and in twenty-five years (or less) I will have book number two ready for you.




The Little One 
with open 
hearted violence
punches and kicks
and sighs and grunts
and arches and rails
as the dark unwinds
its final strands.
In the tangled nest of bed
the mother and father 
and dog and child 
attend the wild fray
of night into the day.

On this rough 
morning along
the narrow
road of infinity
let us fight
with every 
exhausted breath
the razor wire 
of Standards
as light 
comes in a crash 
helmut flying
over the dome 
of the earth
through the furnace
forged glass
through our eyes
which do not see
and into the silent
storm which does.

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the poetry of Kevin Lawler

The gift economy . . .
from Wiki - In anthropology and the social sciences, a gift economy is a mode of exchange where valuable goods and services are regularly given without any explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards. Ideally, voluntary and recurring gift exchange circulates and redistributes wealth throughout a community, and serves to build societal ties and obligations.
